Karst Geurs
Karst Geurs is appointed Full Professor of Transport Planning at the Centre for Transport Studies. His research focuses on interactions between land use and transport, accessibility modelling and evaluation and the dynamics in travel behaviour. From 2009-2013 he was Associated Professor at the CTS. He worked at the National Institute for Public Health and Environment from 1997 and moved to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in 2005. In 2006 he received his PhD at the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, on accessibility appraisal of land-use and transport policy strategies. He teaches master courses on Transport Policy and Planning, Land Use and Transport Interactions and Sustainable Transport within the Master Track Transport Engineering and Management.
He is chair of the Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR), Associate Editor of the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) and Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU).
Prof. Karst Geurs
Professor Centre for Transport Studies.
Faculty of Engineering Technology
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Email: Click on this text and remove NOSPAM
Web page: https://www.utwente.nl/ctw/vvr/people/geurs/