Like Jiang

Dr. Like Jiang


Like Jiang is an early career researcher in the field of urban and environmental planning. he obtained his BEng in Urban Planning from Tianjin University and PhD from the University of Sheffield. he then worked as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at Second University of Naples on the EU FP7 SONORUS (Urban Sound Planner) project. Now he joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Surrey as a Research Fellow, working on the ASTRID project, with a focus on the sub project of land use, housing and social justice. His research interests include urban environmental planning, decision support systems for planning, soundscape and noise control.


Dr. Like Jiang
Research Fellow, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences

University of Surrey
Guildford GU2 7XH, Surrey
United Kingdom

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