Dr Anne Dorothée Slovic will be in London giving a research seminar on ASTRID organized within the COHESION research network which is co-hosted by the Connected Cities Research Group at the University of Greenwich and UCL, next Wednesday:
Time and Place
12:00 – 13:00 Wednesday 14th June at Stockwell Street Library: Room 11_3003, 10 Stockwell street, London SE10 9BD
TITLE: Accessibility and air pollution in São Paulo: The ASTRID survey design
There have been many studies to date focusing on health outcomes of traffic emissions in megacities e.g. São Paulo (Lima et al., 2013, Yoshizaki et al., 2010, Perin et al., 2010, Pérez-Martínez et al., 2014) and it has been established that experimental campaigns provide rich information on the interrelation between urban travel and emission exposure. The new methods designed within the ASTRID project are intended to extend those findings with aspects of disparity and social justice. ASTRID targets the criteria pollutants for measurements along with meteorological parameters and spatial coordinates in different transport environments (e.g. car, buses, train, pedestrian) for different age groups using low-cost personal monitoring equipment (Kumar et al., 2014a). This presentation delivered by Dr Anne Dorothée Slovic will explain the survey approach taken in São Paulo and will contrast it with the experimental design in The Netherlands and the UK.